Saturday, November 18, 2006

More like iSuck

It's annoying when you're throwing a party and all of sudden everything is so quiet .. silence. You go rushing over to the dock and at first you think did somebody steal this. The ipod of course is frozen. Silently you mouth WTF?? And then you have to announce "sorry, guys the music is toast." If this has happened to anyone before. I assure you it just needs some alone time on the charger and its golden. Keep it out of sun light though, and don't ask any questions. It works.

And if it doesn't... it's safe to scream in a crowded room ipod? More like isuck.

(that was terrible guys)


Dig said...

Sunlight is bad for iPods? Wow that's the first I've heard about that.It's things like that that make me happy I haven't listened to all the people that tell me "You should really get yourself an iPod."

Sarah said...

well i meant if it freezes. Not normally. Dude, speaking of which I just dropped a couple hundred on a new one. I'm such a jackass.

Dig said...

Why does that make you a jackass? You were all about your iPod last time we talked.