Sunday, September 23, 2007

There's a new sheriff here in these offices. And his name is me.

Sure, we've all been hearing about Season 4 of 'The Office' but jeez can we wait any longer?!?! Officetally has been keeping me informed all Summer. Anyway, sit tight here's a clip from Season 4, compliments of I know it's too short but quit being depressed like this bear drawing! Also, this weeked I managed to snag two mugs, and about 9 other 'Office' supplies from Target's $1 bins!


Dig said...

You are such a "Office" addict.

Robin said...

Do you wanna come over to watch on Thursday? I'll wear my crown!

Krystle said...

Hey Sarah where are you moving to?

Unknown said...

wow. you're office crazy.

Unknown said...

in a good way.