Ei-yi-yiiiiiiii. These 12 hour+ days are rocking the shit out of me. Anyway, in efforts to save my brain from turning into total mush I tried to capture the subtle magic of summer earlier by photogizing a lightening bug. I do what I can? From what you can make out the little bugger is buzzing to your right. Though, blurry this suits my mental state. So. Tired.
This is perfect for a hot, lazy day in July and YEAH so what?! So what if this song played in Dirty Dancing. Yeah, 'The Swayze' pranced around on a log, in the woods in total man tights in effort to teach Baby the right moves. The song beats the shit out of that movie. It's fantastic, don't let that swaaaaaayze you. WOW. Wow, I just made you all not listen to this and quite possibly another single word from my mouth.
Hey Baby -Bruce Channel
Truce, still friends?!
After working 12 hours it's perfectly ok to loose your mind sometimes.
I happen to like Dirty Dancing. I saw a bit of it at Headhouse Square last Wed. night. I own it on VHS. Patrick Swazye has popped up in a few conversations I've had recently. Is he making a comeback or something? Rolos are!
i'm glad to see you are keeping it real with the hot blog action. i was just in philly- but i'll probably be back in a few months, because hey, i like it there.
I can't remember your email address, but here you go. Replace the xx with tt:
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