Thursday, December 18, 2008

Okay, I was trying not to write until the NEW YEAR. I wanted to leave this hackneyed* thing alone. Why? Because I wanted to leave on a good note and I'm thinking about starting a new/different blog. Hopefully, more geared toward art. The reason is because keeping up with this is a commitment, and if you've committed it's best to just go with it. Before it I was making fun of myself (that probably won't stop), posting half-assed entries no one could relate to, and well, not having any readers because I made the awful, awful mistake of only telling a few in 2006 (The 3 that read stop shaking those fists. I hear ya!) and then begging everyone I know to read by 2007. It'll be a fresh start and hopefully less stupid in my opinion. Also, everyone will feel included this time. Eitherway, YOU will know about the changes but if I don't know a thing about it yet, how can I tell anyone anything? I've been dwelling on it for a while. We'll get there.

Now, why I really came on here. When I walked into work this morning a co-worker/work buddy stopps me abruptly as I'm pacing quickly toward my desk.

She says in the most sincere tone, "This is kind of weird. I have something to tell you."

I respond a tired, "yeah?"

It's not even 8:30 yet, scarf still on.

co-worker/work buddy, "I was listening to the radio this morning and HOW BIZZARE BY OMC CAME ON.."

I'm smiling and smirking as excitement is elevating. Just waiting for it...

co-worker/work buddy exclaims, "AND I THOUGHT OF YOU!!!"

Okay, you have no idea how much this has made my morning and that somebody I've known for less than 2 years who doesn't really know me at all already associates me with this song. My life is complete.

Let me explain! This past summer I was nestled away from everyone in the HR room (I'm not even in Human Resources). We would bring our CD's in and blast them in the communal boombox. Naturally, I made everyone listen to my $3 copy of OMC (from Goodwill). But mostly, it was my summer anthem song between 1996/97. I'll leave that one for another day.

Now, that's a good note.

*hackneyed is also the dictionary word of the day! Yeah, I get those cool word of the day e-mails.


Anonymous said...

How was I?

Dig said...

Seems like you are still going out on a good (albeit wierd) note.

Unknown said...

Say it ain't so!

and I also will think of you if I hear that song.

Unknown said...

Pele yells, "We're outta here," Zina says, "Right on"
We're making moves and starting grooves before they knew we were gone
Jumped into the Chevy and headed for big lights
Wanna know the rest? Hey, buy the rights...

How bizarre
How bizarre, how bizarre

Sarah said...

Hey, Cuuuuuuuuuuz! How's Oakland, CA!?

Btw, your comment made me chuckle. If I didn't get email notifications for comments I never would've seen this!