The hair dye box
said medium brown. Yeah, well I could have predicted that the box would inevitably lie to me once the goo hit my scalp. And that yeah, well things that come in boxes generally don't live up to their photos on the front. I never seem to get it right. I've had countless "hair meltdowns" as friends nicely put it and for what? I've learned the hard way too, too many times. I claim to want "normal" hair. I think? It's kind of embarrassing that I am 100% certain of
it being a mistake AND that somehow this thought process never seems to prevail prior. Why is that? It's not very adult of me is it? My motto since 12 has always been: it's just hair. This may hold true today but everyone around me knows that I absolutely hate this about myself and yet I'm constantly reliving the mistakes. I say I'll never mess with my hair again but there is laughter because my declarations to change are unconvincing. Time time and time again has proven that. No matter how many botched hair situations I've endured I know that
hair is just hair. I can take the repercussions. This is probably because these choices are not permanent. Shit, I've championed hairstyles that most ladies wouldn't dare leave their house with. But why do I always put myself through the trouble? Sadly, in the past I've enjoyed the challenge of fixing what I've done. Again, these choices are also not permanent therefore it's really no big deal. Thankfully, this syndrome isn't completely self-destructive though it is not completely healthy or limited to hair. I'm resolutely working on curbing this habit. It's not about the hair anymore but being happy with out constantly changing everything. As for the time being I guess I can live with the notion that old habits don't die easily.
Moral? Don't dye your hair over and over again when you say you'll leave it be.